Saturday, May 19, 2012

Getting Steamed: Anger & Women's Health


by Alexandra Williams, MA & Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA
Fun And Fit


It?s National Women?s Health Week May 13-19. An observance of women?s health issues that?s coordinated by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (we won?t speculate about the other 51 weeks in the year!), the focus is on empowering women to make their health a top priority. Some of the specific recommended steps include activity, healthful eating and managing stress and mental health.

We all get angry; that?s normal and healthy. How we deal with it can affect our health for the better or worse. Unfortunately, women are at potentially higher risk for health issues than men when it comes to anger.

Today we thought we?d focus on some of the effects, styles and coping mechanisms of anger in women.

In general, women get angry in the context of relationships, and stay that way for a longer time than men, who tend to get angry with strangers, explosively and of short duration.


The six patterns of anger that women bring to relationships (3 that bring anger in; 3 that keep it out):

* Positive and direct, with a goal to removing barriers

* Aggressive, with a goal to hurting someone

* Indirect, using quiet sabotage, hostile distance, deflection, and loss of control

* Constructive and conscious choice to express anger in positive ways

* Explosive expression in private

* Self-silencing/ Suppression


What anger does to women:

* Makes them confused and distressed

* Causes pain and hurt

* Brings out feelings of powerlessness

* Amplifies feelings of pain

* Causes physical changes such as muscle tension, sweating, temperature changes (hence the term ?slow boil?)

* Weakens the heart, increases cholesterol levels, stiffens the arteries, affects the liver and kidneys, causes hypertension


What women can do to decrease the health risks of anger:

* Exercise; any type will do, from yoga to high intensity to a short walk around the block or office

* Learn relaxation techniques, such as clenching the fists for 3 counts, then relaxing them; or deep inhalations through the nose followed by slow exhalations out the mouth

* Speak up assertively using this formula: I am angry with you because XXX, and the reason I?m angry is XXX

* Take a time out, either by removing yourself at the time of an aggravating incident or by scheduling a regular, brief break at the time of day when you tend to get most stressed

* Schedule some ?me? time and remind yourself that it?s not selfish to do so; it?s preventive care

* Play calming music, spritz or bake to add pleasing aromas to the room, or paint or decorate your area in soothing colors


We think you should indulge is some steam therapy too! Why get ?grrrrrr? steamed when you could get ?ahhhhhh? steamed?



To read other blog posts related to National Women?s Health Week, click on the picture below. If you?re on Twitter, you can follow along using hashtags #NWHW and #NWHWBlog.




Identical twins and fitness pros Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA have been in the fitness industry since the first aerobics studio opened on the European continent. They teach, write, edit, emcee and present their programs worldwide on land, sea and airwaves. They co-write the blog and website Fun and Fit. Kymberly is the former faculty minor adviser at UCSB for its fitness instruction degree offered through the Department of Exercise & Sport Studies; Alexandra serves as an instructor and master teacher for the program, and is a contributing editor to IDEA Fitness Journal.

Fun and Fit answers real questions from real people, so please send your comments and questions to




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