Some say it?s a Hallmark holiday, others believe it?s the key to honoring their loving relationship. Where ever you stand on the subject of Valentine?s Day, we have an iPhone app recommendation to having you feeling the love in no time.
Looking to meet someone special this Valentine?s Day? Say goodbye to the old fashioned way, let?s do some online date stalking. The free Crowded Room app for iPhone complements and interacts with your social network to find possible dates based on your mutual preferences. The best part about this dating app is that it shows you matches nearby. That means you can practically stalk them down. Okay, ?stalk? might be a little too strong of a word, but the ability to see possible date matches interacting in their natural habitat before you ask them out is certainly beneficial.
Is your significant other a hopeless romantic and you, well, not so much? For helpful clues to navigate Cupid?s day, check out the Helpful Romantic app for iPhone. Set up a profile for your spouse or steady including favorite things and details about measurements as well as important dates like anniversaries etc. Suggestions are set up by ?Effort? and ?Price? so if you are a big spender with little effort or big effort and small spender, you have plenty of options with this magic love app. If you record more than one lady friend?s information though, make sure you have a lock down on your iPhone.
Looking for a little Valentine?s Day humor? Download the Meathead Luv Tips app ($1.99) for some Valentine?s Day advice from the Jersey Shore. We?re talking advice like ?If the girl ain?t tan then don?t be a fan.? So don?t use these love tips on your real significant other, unless they have a really good sense of humor or are huge fans of Jersey meatheads. If you?re single and want to have some fun, test out some of these lines at the bar on Valentine?s Day, and let us know how it goes.
Everybody loves a cupcake. Cupcakes are affordable, sweet and perfect for just about every occasion including Valentine?s Day. My recent cupcake fixation is spilling over into iPhone app obsession with the free Crumbs app for iPhone. The Crumbs app lets you send greeting cards to lovers and friends and the best part is you can add a gift certificate for cupcakes via email. Food is love.
Having trouble feeling the love this Valentine?s Day? The Mastery of Love Cards app ($3.99) is filled with inspirational messages to help you find happiness in love. Check out a card a day to inspire a loving mood. Share your favorite loving messages via email too, which is just perfect for Valentine?s Day.
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